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Author’s checklist

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Title: _________________________________________________________

(Please check below items as mark before submission of the manuscript.)

1. General Guideline

  • □  Is the manuscript typed in the A4-size paper by using the full paper template provided by the journal?
  • □  Is your manuscript organized in the order of title, authors, abstract, main text, result and references?

2. Cover Page

  • □  Title, name of authors, affiliation were described both in English and in Korean?
  • □  Did you place authors' full first and last name?
  • □  Did you correctly provide the contact information of the corresponding author (organization, telephone, and email address)?

3. Abstract and Keywords

  • □  Did you write the abstract concisely including background, aims, methods, results, and conclusions?
  • □  Did you capitalize the first letter of keywords? Did you list three to five keywords, separated by semicolons?

4. Main Text

  • □  The order of the subtitle was described according to the Introductions for Authors?
  • □  References the main text were described according to the Introductions for Authors?

5. References

  • □  Did you list all references in English?
  • □  Did you list all the authors for references with no more than 4 authors? Did you list the first four authors, followed by “, et al.” when the reference has more than 5 authors?
  • □  Are there any duplication of references under different numbers?
  • □  The reference style was followed by the Introductions for Authors?

6. Tables and Figures

  • □  The titles and legends of tables and figures were written in English?
  • □  The numbers of tables and figures were cited in the main text according to the Introductions for Authors?
  • □  Did you capitalize the first letter of each legend? Did you correctly number(in format of (a), (b), ...) the explanation when it mentions more than two figures?

7. Research Ethics Regulation

  • □  Did you observe the Research Ethics Regulation?

______.  ______.  ______.

Author: _________________       Signature: _________________

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