J. Korean Soc. Hazard Mitig Search


Journal of the Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation 2013;13(1):303-308.
Published online February 28, 2013.
침투능-강우강도를 고려한 유효우량산정 기준
강영복, 김봉진, 박수진, 최한규
Estimation of Effective Rainfall Guidance Considering Infiltration Capacity-Rainfall Intensity
Young Bok Kang, Bong Jin Kim, Soo Jin Park, Han Kuy Choi
This study investigated the effect of the lag time on the concentration time and the change in effective rainfall depending on the infiltration capacity and rainfall intensity by the status of land use to research the relevance of infiltration capacity-rainfall intensity and the effective rainfall by land categories according to the characteristics of the drainage basin. As a result of analysis, deviation in the lag time is significantly occurring from two hours to nineteen hours and fifty-five minutes depending on the rainfall intensity and the form of the flood hydrograph rising limb is being determined by this. It has been analyzed that the forest land is divided into the region where runoff does not occur even with the rainfall of more than 500 mm/hr and the region where runoff occurs 100% with the rainfall of more than 80 mm/hr and there is an upland field area where runoff does not occur even with the rainfall of more than 120 mm/hr and the area where runoff occurs 100% if the rainfall of more than 20 mm/hr occurs while runoff may occur 100% in the land and rice paddy with the rainfall of 20 mm/hr. As the infiltration capacity varies according to the soil series and status of land use, the objective application of the runoff coefficient of rational method and runoff curve number is needed.
Key Words: Infiltration capacity; Rainfall Intensity; Effective rainfall; Rational method; Runoff curve number
본 연구는 유역특성에 따른 지목별 침투능-강우강도와 유효우량과의 연관성을 연구하기위해 지체시간의 변화가 도달시간에 미치는 영향과 토지이용현황별 침투능과 강우강도에 따른 유효우량의 변화를 연구하였다. 분석 결과 지체시간이 2시간에서 19시간 55분으로 강우강도에 따라 편차가 크게 발생하고 있으며 이로 인해 홍수수문곡선 상승부 형태가 결정되고 있다. 임야는 500 mm/hr이상 강우에도 유출이 발생하지 않는 지역과 80 mm/hr이상 강우에 100% 유출이 발생하는 지역으로 구분되고, 밭지역은 120 mm/hr이상 강우에도 유출이 발생하지 않는 지역과 20 mm/hr이상 강우 발생 시 100%유출이 발생하는 지역이 있으며 대지와 논 지역은 20 mm/hr이상 강우에 100%유출이 발생할 수 있는 것으로 분석되었다. 침투능이 토양통과 토지이용현황에 따라 다르므로 합리식의 유출계수와 유출곡선지수는 객관적 적용이 필요하다.
핵심용어: 침투능; 강우강도; 유효우량; 합리식; 유출곡선지수


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